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Welcome To Atlab Shop Online
Your one stop shop for STEAM & Hands-On Learning Solution.
Atlabshoponline is an ecommerce platform by ATLAB and helps students understand the concepts of Science, Technology, Art & Math with innovative products and services that keep them engaged and attentive. Atlab has partnered with the world leaders in STE(A)M, Immersive Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Design Thinking and Drone solutions like LEGO Education, KUBO, ROBOLINK, DJI, PITSCO Tetrix, and brings inspired learning with a hands-on approach as a tool to engage students and instructors.
The products available on AtlabShopOnline are for personal as well as institutional use, for pupils and for educators. Products that inspire both students and teachers, from Preschool to University Level, can be found in our well laid out online store.
Our online shop allows you to buy products at the BEST prices and get them delivered to your doorstep in 2 – 3 business days. Our online payment services are provided by approved and certified payment providers to ensure customer information remains secure. We work towards providing the best customer experience so that we can serve you again soon.
ATLAB is the educational division of the prestigious CENTENA Group, a trusted brand since 1980.