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LEGO WeDo 2.0 Robotics Kit, a key tool for science and engineering learning in early years
January 02, 2020 90

Science and engineering have always been difficult to grasp without practical exposure as they become boring and hard to retain.
There is growing evidence that children as young as 4-8 learn important science and engineering skills from play and early learning activities. These activities, when supported well, can lay the foundation for them to bloom into future scientists and engineers.
Students who are introduced to practical science and engineering learning at an elementary level are able to embrace innovation, flexibility and adaptability to become successful in dynamic technology-driven workplaces.
Role of STEM in early learning
STEM education can play a vital role in teaching basic science and engineering concepts to elementary school students.
Robotics is a key tool in STEM education that helps in this regard. While offering a fun experience building robots, it helps kids learn the skills of programming.
WeDo is an introductory robotics learning solution that incorporates hands-on learning with technology where problem-solving is the key. The WeDo sets help gain science and engineering knowledge by building models and using the software program to bring them to life.
LEGO WeDo 2.0
LEGO’s WeDo 2.0 Core Set contains a software with a drag-and-drop interface, in-built Bluetooth connection, in-built RGB light surface and two I/O ports which connect to any component belonging to the LEGO Power Functions (LPF) 2.0; like external medium motors, motion sensors and tilt sensors.
It consists of 280 LEGO building elements supported by the WeDo 2.0 Smarthub; an electronic system-based building brick part of the LPF 2.0.
Through programmable robots, kids from grades 2-4 are introduced to computational thinking and engineering principles and learn to control and operate sensors.
It also helps them understand and innovate from the sciences and develop engineering practices to model reality, conduct investigations and use design skills.
ATLAB, an associate of the Centena Group, provides hands-on innovative classroom learning solutions for educational and vocational training centres.
ATLAB is also an authorized distributor providing high-quality robotic learning kits from major brands such as LEGO Education, SAM Labs, XYZ Printing, Robolink, Pitsco Tetrix, HiTechnic in the GCC.